Tuesday, October 7, 2008


I went through my top four ideas:
1. Creating a rebranding campaign for the Burns Bog society geared for kids, similar to how David Suzuki has one website for adults and one for kids. The website for kids is very friendly, colourful and animated. I'm thinking I could redesign the logo and create kid friendly educational tools (I could take one of the ideas below and use Burns Bog as a case study).

2. Create a game where a parent would become a storyteller/game master. That adult would read out the story and the child or children would become characters that would make decisions in the story. The book would be nonlinear and might include a board game, as the character moves through the story. The focus of the story would be explaining an environmental system such as the bog. Characters could be a plant or and animal or even an element (What's the role of water in the bog? It gets filtered... it feeds plants and animals... it gets polluted). Kids would start to understand how these tings work and they would have fun playing a role playing game. The story would be different every time.

3. Create a classroom activity book that can be used as a journal to record all of the observations a child has as a plant he/she planted grows. It could be an evergreen tree that they could replant outside or it could be a bean sprout that grows very quickly or it could be something edible that could become part of a meal. Seeds would be included. A recipe would be included if it was an edible plant. Kids could start to understand how things grow. They would feel responsible for the little plant.

4. This is the one project that couldn't be connected to Burns Bog (it stands alone.). Daily habits like turning lights off, using less water, and creating less garbage, are things that people don't feel motivated to change because they don't think about it. If a family had a communal board where each person (adults and children) write down their daily habits, like how many seconds of running the tap do they use in a day, how many pieces of garbage, how many appliances do they use, how many lights do they have on at one time... And then they could swap with someone else in the family and try to improve the amount of electricity, water and garbage that is used. So they would take the challenge of 5 pieces of garbage, 2 appliances, etc. and then they would beat it. It would become a bit of a competition. This could become a global swapping game if it was put onto a website. People could try to use the same amount of energy and water as people from around the world.

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